Abstract base class for lights - all other light types inherit the properties and methods described here.
[page:Integer color] - (optional) hexadecimal color of the light. Default is 0xffffff (white).
[page:Float intensity] - (optional) numeric value of the light's strength/intensity. Default is 1.
Creates a new [name]. Note that this is not intended to be called directly (use one of derived classes instead).
See the base [page:Object3D Object3D] class for common properties.
Color of the light. Defaults to a new [page:Color] set to white, if not passed in the constructor.
The light's intensity, or strength.
In [page:WebGLRenderer.physicallyCorrectLights physically correct] mode, the product of
[page:.color color] * intensity is interpreted as luminous intensity measured in candela.
Default - *1.0*.
See the base [page:Object3D Object3D] class for common methods.
Copies the value of [page:.color color] and [page:.intensity intensity] from the [page:Light source] light into this one.
meta -- object containing metadata such as materials, textures for objects.
Convert the light to three.js [link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/JSON-Object-Scene-format-4 JSON Object/Scene format].
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]