A [link:https://webglfundamentals.org/webgl/lessons/webgl-render-to-texture.html render target] is a buffer where the video card draws pixels for a scene that is being rendered in the background. It is used in different effects, such as applying postprocessing to a rendered image before displaying it on the screen.
[page:Float width] - The width of the renderTarget.
[page:Float height] - The height of the renderTarget.
options - (optional object that holds texture parameters for an auto-generated target
texture and depthBuffer/stencilBuffer booleans.
For an explanation of the texture parameters see [page:Texture Texture]. The following are
valid options:
[page:Constant wrapS] - default is [page:Textures ClampToEdgeWrapping].
[page:Constant wrapT] - default is [page:Textures ClampToEdgeWrapping].
[page:Constant magFilter] - default is [page:Textures LinearFilter].
[page:Constant minFilter] - default is [page:Textures LinearFilter].
[page:Constant format] - default is [page:Textures RGBAFormat].
[page:Constant type] - default is [page:Textures UnsignedByteType].
[page:Number anisotropy] - default is *1*. See [page:Texture.anisotropy]
[page:Constant encoding] - default is [page:Textures LinearEncoding].
[page:Boolean depthBuffer] - default is *true*. Set this to false if you don't need it.
[page:Boolean stencilBuffer] - default is *true*. Set this to false if you don't need it.
Creates a new [name]
The width of the render target.
The height of the render target.
A rectangular area inside the render target's viewport. Fragments that are outside the area will be discarded.
Indicates whether the scissor test is active or not.
The viewport of this render target.
This texture instance holds the rendered pixels. Use it as input for further processing.
Renders to the depth buffer. Default is true.
Renders to the stencil buffer. Default is true.
If set, the scene depth will be rendered to this texture. Default is null.
Sets the size of the render target.
Creates a copy of this render target.
Adopts the settings of the given render target.
Dispatches a dispose event.
[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]